Job Responsibilities: 1. Stay at the supplier and conducted daily audit of the supplier's production line. 2. Develop and prepare material inspection quality standards, provide training to IQC. 3. Confirmation of supplier quality control plan in the early stage, regular evaluation and audit of suppliers, and corresponding counseling of key materials to suppliers 4. Be able to handling quality issue independently and leading supplier do root cause analysis, follow up the corrective actions. 5. Make sure that new materials follow sample approval and test procedure, then sign the sample and approval letter. 6. Audited the quality system of material suppliers. Job Requirements: 1. Need 8 years or above SQE working experience, among process of plastic molding, metal stamping, machining, PCB production, SMT, plug-in soldering, electroplating, die casting, welding, spraying, assembly, be familar with 3-5 production processes and quality control requirements. 2. Bachelor degree or above, major in science or engineering (mechanical or electronic). 3. Able to read and understand the quality system audit checklist in English and complete the audit report in English. 4. Integrity, adherence to principles, responsibility, team work spirit, engineering analysis ability, 5. Proactive, with strong oral and written expression skills and interpersonal coordination skills. 6. It is better to be able participate in English conference call.7. Understand ISO14000 environmental management system and corporate social responsibility. 岗位职责: 1、在供应商处驻厂,对供应商的产线进行日常稽核。 2,制定物料的检验规范,为IQC提供培训 3,供应商前期质量控制策划的确认,供应商的定期的评估及稽核,关键物料需要对供应商做相应的辅导 4,能独立处理异常,并做主导分析,及推动供应商做原因分析及采取措施。 5,确保新物料做样品承认和测试,然后签样品和承认书。 6,对下游材料供应商进行质量体系审核。 岗位要求: 1.有8年及以上SQE工作经验,熟悉塑胶成型,五金冲压、机加工、PCB生产、SMT、插件波峰焊、电镀、压铸、焊接、喷涂、组装其中3-5个生产工艺和质量控制要求。 2.本科学历及以上,理工科相关专业毕业(机械或电子)。 3.能看懂英文质量体系审核清单、能使用英文完成审核报告。 4.诚信正直,坚持原则,有责任心,有团队合作精神,有工程分析能力, 5. 积极主动,有较强的口头及书面的表达能力和处理人际关系的协调能力。 6,最好能参加英语电话会议。 7、了解ISO14000环境管理体系和CSR企业社会责任。